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Healthcare in a Creative Society


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Oct 23, 2019
Affordable, high-quality healthcare is an inalienable right of every person on earth, regardless of their place of residence, religion or social status.

- What should healthcare be like in a creative society?
- On the global scale, how can we today fix the health system by making it free, easily accessible and of high-quality in every part of the world?
- What conditions are required for doctors to keep their patients healthy?
- How do we bring humanity into the pharmaceutical business?
- How do preventive measures and raising awareness among the population affect the health of the nation?

These and other issues will be discussed on November 2nd, 2019 at the Game of Professionals - Healthcare of a Creative Society in the framework of the project “SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE” of the ALLATRA International Public Movement.

This worldwide conference will be attended by physicians from different fields, pharmacists, economists, businessmen, representatives of charitable societies and organizations that stand for the protection of human rights. This conference will bring together caring people from more than 100 countries via live video broadcast and create the conditions for true unification of all mankind and their active actions in the transformation of society from a consumer system to a creative one by peaceful means!
We would be honored by your presence!

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