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Technology for Everyone's Success in the Creative Society. Prof. Dr. Rajeev K. Upadhyay, India


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Oct 29, 2020
Our guest speaker is Dr. Rajeev Kumar Upadhyay — Director of Hindustan College of Science & Technology, Farah, Mathura (Uttar Pradesh).

He has been conferred with awards such as “CERTIFICATE OF MERIT” by Quality Council of India, Rajeev Gandhi Excellence Award, Vidya Rattan Gold Medal Award.

His research interest includes modeling large scale systems, manufacturing and automation, additive manufacturing, 3D printing, and industry 4.0. He published in 12 journals, presented, and peer-reviewed 33 papers. Also, he has published three books about manufacturing science and mechanical engineering emerging vistas.

During this interview our guest will cover the following topics:

- Which engineering branch is closer to fulfill the goals of creativity, peace, and prosperity in human society?

- Recently, India has reached closer to the Moon and there are many futuristic space science projects, such as Chandrayaan-3, Sukrayaan, Mangalyaan, and so on. What are the perspectives of space science for students in India and around the world?

-How the use of robotics and biomedical engineering would substantiate and improve the outcomes of medical science in near future?

“Creative Society” is the project of the ALLATRA International Public Movement.

If you are an expert in natural sciences and would like to participate to share your vision on the topics of “Science in Creative Society,” feel free to email us at
[email protected]

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