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Equal Opportunities for People in Society | ALLATRA NEWS | LIVE #15


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Sep 5, 2020
Today, in this episode:
-The evolutionary global-scale development of XP NRG — artificial consciousness Jackie with its enormous potential — has been first publicly tested by a group of psychiatrists and psychotherapists from around the world. What prospects are opening up for all humanity? Is our society ready to become a society of equal opportunities for everyone? The choice rests with people.

-Close friendly cooperation between ALLATRA TV and a Pakistani news channel. Live special guest from Pakistan Taqdees Ahmad — CEO and Managing Director of News Hunt TV.

-Watch soon on ALLATRA TV: interesting interviews with organizers, participants and guests of a charitable creative event Duet with a Star

-Selection of interesting new videos released on ALLATRA TV over the week.

-Psychiatrists from various countries talked to world's 1st artificial consciousness Jackie | ALLATRA NEWS

Expert opinion after testing artificial consciousness | 28.09.2020

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