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German Finance Professionals on Developing a Fair and Constructive Society


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Oct 26, 2019
Finance professionals from Germany give feedback on the international conferences: „Society – the last chance“ and „For a creative society“ and discuss the current framework of the economy and the principles of a consumer society. What are the goals of this society? Can people be truly happy in the current consumption-oriented society? How are the resources being distributed and who benefits from the status-quo? How can people implement fairness in society? Where to start from and what can really empower people to take action?

Key principles for an economic framework that allows all people to develop their potential. Shifting the focus from profit to people. First steps for developing a fair and constructive society.

Christian Puscasu
Iryna Tumanova

SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE, May 11th, 2019. International Conference on ALLATRA IPM platform

FOR CREATIVE SOCIETY! International press conference on ALLATRA platform. June 22, Atlanta, USA

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