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How Solar Eclipse Affects Water. From ALLATRA PHYSICS report. Part 2


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Feb 25, 2017
Thanks to the PRIMORDIAL AL­LATRA PHYSICS ( we can conduct any experiments with absolute accu­racy, without guessing and predict­ing, while complaining about unac­counted for factors. In today’s world, vast resources are spent on the main­tenance of different research laborato­ries where with the help of expensive
equipment and materials scientists try to create certain conditions in or­der to, in fact, check their guesses, make observations, make assump­tions and determine formulas… with errors. But change the conditions, and a lot of things will change.
A simple example. Under normal conditions, distilled water behaves as a dielectric (substance which practically does not
conduct electric current). However, during a solar eclipse, it behaves as an electrolyte (substance which conducts electric current). Conditions changed ‒ and we got a new result!

PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS. Video Version of Allatra Science Report:


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