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Active Sales of Life. Shadow Control. Eyewitness Stories


Shadow Control
Shadow Control
Published:Aug 24, 2022
In this episode of Shadow Control, you will hear a story of how, through a trite interest in knowing the future, magic comes into a person’s life, and then there come shadows as well.

- how addressing mages and fortune-tellers becomes an everyday routine
- why do depressive and apathetic states start prevailing during the day
- how fear and despair seize people
- how shadows control one’s life and fill it with suffering

There is also an answer to the main question: What do people pay with when engaging in magic? And who is behind all that?

A topical story of a young couple who got into total dependence on shadows. How intolerable your existence becomes when you live under the control of shadows. Sleep, wakefulness, work, relationships, leisure – everything is controlled. By whom? By demons. Thus, a person’s life turns into hell.

In order to live in goodness, you should get from under the control of shadows and turn to the sun!

📍 Attention! Since the Shadow Control project is aimed at studying magic, extrasensory perception, and otherworldly phenomena, and also remembering the unshakable law that everyone has the right to choose and can do whatever they want, comments on this project are disabled. We consider them unnecessary and often biased in relation to the project participants. It is impossible to study anything from the outside!

The Shadow Control team continues collecting eyewitness stories. Together we can shed light even on the darkest hidden corners of the system. Join us! Send your stories, suggestions or ideas to our email address
[email protected]


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#ShadowControl #magic #shadows #supernatural


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