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Game of Professionals in the Field of Law | 8 Foundations of Creative Society in Labor Relations


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Apr 18, 2021
The only possible way out of the impasse of the consumer format in which we all now live is to build a Creative Society. This is a new vector of peaceful development of Humanity, where human life comes first. Through the prism of labor relations, lawyers of different specializations will exchange views on the uniqueness of the 8 foundations of a Creative Society ― the foundations of a happy life.
By introducing the 8 foundations of a Creative Society into the Constitution of each country, humanity realizes the conditions for a happy life for every person.

Building a Creative Society is by no means a revolution, it is an EVOLUTIONARY transition from veiled and sometimes open slavery, from the paradigm of working to live to a secure, free and happy life, where everyone is provided with everything necessary after birth. Where you can work 4 hours 4 days a week, or you can not work at all, where you can choose a business to your liking, without chasing the prestige of the profession. Free education, the absence of inflation and crises, average and high wages, the same pay around the world. A society where all the conditions for human happiness are created.

On April 18, 2021, at 9:00 am GMT, the International Game of Legal Professionals “The uniqueness of the 8 foundations of a Creative Society through the prism of labor relations” about the basics of a happy life will be held live.

The conference participants will exchange views on the following:
- In which countries of the world is it good to live today?
- Was slavery abolished or improved?
- 8 foundations of a Creative Society, as a guarantee of human freedom.
- How to live without working? And is it possible to work in joy?
- What is the fundamental difference between the 8 foundations of a Creative Society and the existing legal norms?

In the consumer format of society, where on the one hand, the time of the employed person is increasingly absorbed by work, and on the other, total insecurity from unemployment, discrimination, and inflation, no one has confidence in the future.

A Creative Society means unlimited opportunities for the growth and development of each person. By implementing the 8 foundations of a Creative Society, people create conditions in which every person becomes free and happy. The creative format is the right of every person to choose! Only together, united in one goal, can we all peacefully realize a Creative Society. A society that every person on Earth wants to live in!

Millions of people are already actively implementing this format, and on March 20, 2021, the international online conference "Creative Society. What the Prophets dreamed of." It is in our hands to build the world that has been bequeathed to us from time immemorial by the Great Teachers who brought us knowledge. A world where everyone is happy.

Join the construction of a better future, which is being created right now!

To participate, write to the following email address: [email protected]

International online global conference "Creative Society. What the Prophets dreamed of" in 45 languages:

"Creative Society" (English subtitles):

“Creative Society Unites Everyone":

"Benefits for a Human in the Creative Society":

About the Creative Society project:


#CreativeSociety #allatraunites #law #laborlaw #humanrights #lawyers


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