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For the revival of universal human values


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:May 9, 2019
Marina Ovtsynova, a participant of ALLATRA International Public Movement from Atlanta (USA) within the framework of the project “NO TO VIOLENCE IN THE FAMILY AND SOCIETY” has shared her insights about how important it is to be an example of a real human being, to help each other, to unite with other honest and decent people.

And it’s our duty as a society to create the conditions for every woman on this planet to fulfill her destiny. We can unite and create an environment in which men will be men, they will be protectors, loving, caring husbands and fathers. And women will be women.

There will be peace and mutual understanding in the family if we revive common human values.

It’s extremely important to start working together, to share information about ALLATRA IPM projects, the purpose of which is to unite people from different countries and to revive the universal human values around the world. Together we can build a creative society!

International social project of a new format “NO TO VIOLENCE IN THE FAMILY AND SOCIETY”:


E-mail: [email protected]


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