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Everyone needs to be heard


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Aug 24, 2019
Within the framework of the project “NO TO VIOLENCE IN THE FAMILY AND SOCIETY”, people from different countries talk about the fact that a person, as a part of society, is responsible for what is happening around. It is necessary that the problem of violence be addressed at the state level, that that famous people talk about it.

But it is equally important to act on our own, to serve as an example to others, to be more sensitive, to have wider views. To interact and communicate with each other, using modern technologies, in order to jointly realize what is good and what is bad, to find ideas, ways to solve different issues in a creative way.

The international new format social project “NO TO VIOLENCE IN THE FAMILY AND SOCIETY”:

The programme “THE STORY OF MY SLAVERY”:

E-mail: [email protected]


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