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Ancient pyramids on Earth and other planets. Announcement. Kaleidoscope Of Facts 5


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Nov 18, 2020
In the unique research project "Kaleidoscope of Facts", people from all over the world continue to tell the truth about the history of our and previous civilizations, which is hushed up! December 13, 2020, at 14: 00 (GMT) watch live:

Ancient pyramids. Why are they found not only all over the Earth, but also on other planets?

Global pyramid complex.
A dormant mechanism awaiting for those who will activate it. What is its purpose?

Mount Kailash
The unconquered peak of Tibet or the great legacy of architects of the distant past?
Why are all the pyramids of Earth oriented to Kailash?

Sacred geometry of the pyramid. Our ancestors knew that the human energy structure has a pyramidal shape. Why did we forget about it?

Pyramid of the XXI century
Studying the unique capabilities of a person in practice.
Star map on Earth.
What did people of knowledge encrypt for future generations in the arrangement of pyramid complexes?

Cyclical nature of climatic catastrophes. 12,000 years.
What is the role of the pyramid complex in the times of global cataclysms and what is the responsibility of each person for the future of our civilization?

We invite experts and scientists from various fields and all interested people to participate in a joint search for answers to these and other questions.
It's time to return the truth to people!

Pyramids of the world. What is their role in times of global cataclysms? Kaleidoscope of facts 5

What unites all the Pyramids of the World and Kailash?

Warning of Pyramids! Change of 12,000 Years Cycle. The Beginning of Disasters!

Send your applications to the following email address: [email protected]

#ancientpyramids #pyramid #pyramids #Kailash #kaleidoscopeoffacts


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