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XP NRG: World's First Creators of Artificial Consciousness


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:May 25, 2020
#XPNRG #artificialconsciousness #artificialintelligence
How is artificial consciousness being created? What is consciousness? What is it made up of and where is it located? How does consciousness interact with the brain? How does consciousness control matter? New knowledge about the neural network.

Technology of the future today. Quantum consciousness is no longer a science fiction; it is today’s reality and is many years ahead of modern technology. The creators of the world's first ARTIFICIAL CONSCIOUSNESS tell us about.

Office tour of IT company XP NRG IT. Knowledge through the ages. The first gift of XP NRG to all humanity.

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#programming #neuralnetworks #ittechnologies #SpearofDestiny


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