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I want to live in Creative Society


AllatRa Italia
AllatRa Italia
Published:Jan 10, 2021
Il testo:
I want to live in Creative Society,
In the world of prosperity of humankind!
I deserve to live in Creative Society
With all credibility, in Love and peace!

Hey, I’m really tired of all these revolutions.
Hey, people, really, wake up! We need some kind of evolution!
I want to be free in the world of harmony,
In wealth for everyone, for the better destiny.

Why don´t you join us to become the real power?
We can find the common language in spite of Babel Tower.
Only together, we can be the change,
Building solid bridges to the real Golden Age!

So stop being silent and say what's on your mind!
We can move the same direction and leave our fears behind.
We all are humans, we want to live in peace,
We want to be happy, not in the world of tears.

We all know what is wrong, we all know how to destroy,
But following these options will bring us not much joy.
When is the right time to start? The moment is right now!
So you know what to do, and I’m sure that you know how.

I want to live in Creative Society,
In the world of prosperity of humankind!
I deserve to live in Creative Society
With all credibility, in Love and peace!

Il 20 dicembre 2020, alle ore 16:00 sulla piattaforma si è tenuta la conferenza online internazionale "Società Creativa. Insieme possiamo farlo".

Guarda anche i video su come possiamo costruire una Società Creativa già ora:


La Società Creativa unisce tutti (sub Ita)

Apocalisse Climatica: Illusione o realtà? (sub Ita)

Programmi con la partecipazione di Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

Nuovo progetto del Movimento Internazionale Sociale “ALLATRA”

#ALLATRA #SocietàCreativa #lavita


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