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How the Global Crisis Affects Our Lives


Creative Society
Creative Society
Published:Oct 24, 2021
Today humanity is facing a series of global crises: economic, technological, anthropological, ecological, and climatic crises have swept the world at once. Do people realize the full scale of the impending threats?

On July 24, 2021, at the initiative of people from more than 180 countries, a large-scale conference "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone" was organized and held, at which speakers from around the world openly discussed the current world situation.

At today's round table to discuss this important conference for the whole world, the following topics will be raised by experts from different fields:

📌 Prospects and risks of artificial intelligence development in the medical field
📌 The impact of climate change on people's mental and physical health
📌 The problem of the consumerist format of society. What is the role of each individual?
📌 A goal that can unite all humanity and change the format of society from consumer to creative

Today it is up to each individual to save the planet and all of civilization. Only by joining together, we can change the vector of society from consumer to creative.

🌎 December 4, 2021, the international online conference "Global Crisis. Time for the Truth" with simultaneous translation into 100 languages of the world. The purpose of this global event is to inform all of humanity about the climate and environmental crises and the Creative Society as a way to overcome them. Join the live broadcast at:

Conference "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone" with a selection of 72 languages on the official website of the Creative Society project:

Official website of the Creative Society project

#creativesociety #globalcrisis #time4truth


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