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ALLATRA INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC MOVEMENT is an association of creatively active people of the world


АллатРа ТВ
АллатРа ТВ
Published:Mar 10, 2018
ALLATRA INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC MOVEMENT is an association of active, honest and friendly people who aspire to use their best qualities for the benefit of society. We are outside of politics and outside of religion. Our motto is “Good in Action!”

As of today, thanks to ALLATRA International Public Movement, hundreds of thousands of people have already united across the globe. The number of participants is growing exponentially every day because there are indeed many good, kind and creatively active people striving to change the world for the better.

As a priority, we are committed to uniting all the nations in friendship on the basis of cultural and moral as well as spiritual values, which draw people together around the world. We strongly support the implementation of natural human freedoms and rights, the formation of entirely new level of relations between nations based on good, unselfish mutual help, and creative cooperation between different people across the planet, regardless of their place of residence, social, national, political or religious affiliation.

Official e-mail: [email protected]


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