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God is One. Allatra Unites. February 25, 2018


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:May 4, 2018
On February 25, 2018 in the Coordination Center of ALLATRA International Public Movement, a meeting of the Movement participants from all around the world took place. Interview with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov at the ALLATRA Coordination Center.

On February 25, the coordination center of ALLATRA IPM was visited by more than a thousand people of different faiths, nationalities and ages. Peoples’ testimonials about the essence of the universal spiritual Grain of all religions, their understanding, discovery, and inspiration, their spiritual path, friendship and unification into one big human family. For all people of good will, God is One indeed, regardless of religion. And one is the language of people’s communication — it is the language of spiritual Love, deep inner feelings, where there is no room for division from consciousness. What unites people regardless of age, place of residence, nationality, religion, and social status? Interviews with people from different countries and different continents.

People exchanged practical experience, ideas, inspiration and all found a common language on the basis of primordial Knowledge, a universal grain - ALLATRA.

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