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ALLATRA | Taking Action Makes You Free. Life Vlog


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Jun 11, 2020
#allatra #allatrabook #lifevlog
We all search for something in our life. There is something inside us that is pushing us to keep searching, even if we don’t know what are we searching for. A brief overview of how the series of books by Anastasia Novykh inspired another person. A brief touch on the background of Jason’s life, that is not so different from a lot of people. However, when you truly get inspired by something, the background doesn’t matter anymore. Stepping over yourself to explore foreign material may not be easy, but if you feel that it’s sincere, the word “foreign” loses its meaning. Also, Jason talks about how he started participating in creative projects with people from all over the world. Inspiration can easily be turned into action, as long as that’s what you want to do.

The book AllatRa by Anastasia Novykh

Official website of the AllatRa movement

FOR CREATIVE SOCIETY! International press conference on ALLATRA platform. June 22, Atlanta, USA


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