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Why doesn't Consciousness want to Unite?


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Aug 10, 2020
Why, even in a team of two, people will still think badly of each other if they listen to their consciousness? Games of consciousness - divide and conquer. Consciousness strongly opposes the unification of people activating in a person selfishness, pride, lust for power, aggressive confrontation with others. And first of all, it seeks to divide a person within himself, doing everything to ensure that the person is inactive in the spiritual plane, and that he puts all his attention into his mundane relationships, thus encapsulating him in the cycle of an endless stream of negative thoughts.

About this and many other things, watch in the full video "From an Atheist to Holiness" with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov on ALLATRA TV.

Email: [email protected]

#devision #unification #allatratv


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