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The Heart and the Music unite us. Ethno-folk Ensemble "Light in Babylon"


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Mar 4, 2020
The ALLATRA TV crew met with the remarkable ethno-folk ensemble "Light in Babylon". The name of the group "Light in Babylon" reflects the idea of bringing light to the system that surrounds us, which will allow people to look at their lives in a different way. Babylon is also a reminder of the error of antiquity, which the group's creativity is designed to correct – to start speaking again in a single language of mutual understanding and unity. "We represent a generation that wants to speak a common language again, that wants to be reunited." – MikaL Eliya Kamal.

HOW TO ALWAYS BE HAPPY? ALLATRA Behind the Scenes | Answers of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov | Life Vlog

Books by Anastasia Novykh

Videos with participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

ALLATRA International Public Movement:

E-mail: [email protected]

#AllatRa #LightinBabylon #universalgrain


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