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My Small Victory over Consciousness | AllatRa. Life vlog


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Jul 8, 2020
Tina shares her story about how she joined Allatra IPM and her journey to becoming an active volunteer.She found out about it through her husband, and upon learning more, she was inspired and decided to become part of the movement. At first, she had doubts about if her help is needed, thinking things like "they have enough people, they don’t need my help” but she was able to step over them, and start small, gradually becoming more involved in the projects. Now she does live news reports, voice-overs, and proofreads programs and articles.

The book AllatRa by Anastasia Novykh

Official website of the AllatRa movement

FOR CREATIVE SOCIETY! International press conference on ALLATRA platform. June 22, Atlanta, USA

#allatra #lifevlog #AllatraIPM


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