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Being united is our first priority. Andrea Wen on Creative Society | Allatraunites


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Aug 4, 2021
We are happy to welcome our special guest - Andrea Wen, well known as the creator of One Humanity One World, Executive Director of KLYSTAR, Environmental Activist, and Filmmaker.

Today we are living in a special time, where we as a humanity have a chance to build a world worthy of a human to live in, a society where the value of human life is above everything, and this is the Creative Society.

We are going to rise up the questions which concern everyone:
✔ What are the major crises we are facing as a society today?
✔ What is happening to the climate?
✔ Why are people so divided today?
✔ What values should be the basis for the unity of all people?
✔ Why are unification and building a creative society so important?

Moreover, we will talk about the 8 foundations, which are the pillars for building the Creative Society.

Initiated by people, the Creative Society project has been launched on the platform of ALLATRA International Public Movement for the whole of Humanity. As all people want to live happily and feel secure, Creative Society is our chance to implement this in reality.

More information on the website:


"CREATIVE SOCIETY. What the Prophets Dreamed of", March 20, 2021

"Creative Society"

"CREATIVE SOCIETY. UNITED WE CAN", December 20, 2020. International Online Conference on ALLATRA IPM platform

#allatraunites #creativesociety


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