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Become the director of your own life with AllatRa TV!


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Mar 4, 2016
As of now ALLATRA TV was joined by many countries such as Ukraine, Poland, Russia, United States, Australia, Italy, Spain as well as by the Czech Republic and Slovakia. ALLATRA TV focuses on spreading messages of goodness, kindness love and unity amongst all people, no matter what their religion, social, economic status or nationality is. We believe that we can all unite and live in harmony, peace and happiness. We realize that we, human being,s are all one and part of something bigger, more loving and more beautiful. We can ever imagine the goodness love. Honesty and unity starts inside of each one of us, but the change begins, first of all, in our mind with control of our thoughts, desires and emotions. Look around yourself carefully and see what world would you like to live in. What world do you want to create for your kids and families? World of greed, money, pride and hatred? Or the world of kindness, love, sincerity and conscience? But the choice always remains on people. Just think about it for a second. What do you choose

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