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How to build flourishing relationship? The Song of Life. Round Table on Psychology


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Sep 27, 2020
Round Table with professionals in Psychology The Song of Life. Jeevan Geet.
What is Life and what is the value of Human Life? The need to change the format of relations in society in all spheres and on all levels from consumer-based to a creative one. 8 Foundations of Creative Society and their role in turning the life of every Human into The Song of Life, Jeevan Geet.
This Round Table is conducted in collaboration of AllatRa TV and 3HCOMPANION.
In terms of The Creative Society project.
Let's create together the Future that humanity deserves! Building a creative society on the whole planet by peaceful means, society where human life is the most precious and valuable.
People have long dreamt of building a harmonious society of welfare and happiness. Today, all humanity has a unique opportunity to build it. Join this opportunity and build a Creative Society together with us! To learn more, visit #allatraunites #creativesociety


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