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Biotechnology, Biochemical and Molecular Biology | Dr. Kanu Megha, India


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Feb 24, 2021
On the live broadcast, volunteers of ALLATRA TV will communicate with a wonderful speaker — Dr. Kanu Megha.

Dr. Megha is an Assistant Professor at the School of Life Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Dubai Campus. Dr. Megha is delivering lectures on various subjects under the discipline BSc. Biotechnology. Guiding MSc. Biotechnology students for various biochemical and molecular biology experimental techniques and research methodology.

Dr. Kanu Megha is an enthusiastic, forward-thinking, and highly motivated scientist with more than 10 years of strong experience in molecular biology, biochemistry, immunology, neuroscience,
biophysics, and radiation science research resulting in 9 publications in peer-reviewed journals.

During this interview our guest will cover the following topics:
- How microwave radiation from mobiles and different types of antennas influence the work of the human brain?
- What perspectives of development are there and what new technologies could replace the existing ones in Creative Society?
- What perspectives are there in the study of a human? How can this improve the quality of human life?
- How brain research could be utilized for bringing peace, harmony and conflict resolution in the world?
- How important is unity and open collaboration of specialists in science all over the world for the development of our civilisation and tackling the possible dangers for humanity?

Dr. Kanu Megha will share with us her envisage of creative society and the development of science in such a society.

📧 We invite specialists in the field of natural sciences to participate in the project Science in a Creative Society series
Email us: [email protected]

Creative Society: the Prospect of Civilization:

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#Biochemistry #physics #science #AllatraScience #AllatraUnites #ALLATRATV


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