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Implementing the Dream of the Prophets | ALLATRA News. Live #33


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Jan 16, 2021
Everything in the world is interconnected. An insignificant event is followed by a related event that generates a third one, - all together they produce a result. Thus, drop by drop the great is born out of the small, and the simple actions of all the people, united by one goal, can make the dream of the Prophets come true.

Watch live on ALLATRA NEWS 16.01.21:
✔️ A new video with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov on ALLATRA TV "What the Prophets Dreamt of" is like a drop of the ocean that prompted a huge wave of Creation around the world

✔️ Feedback on the new video that has given a large number of people a huge inspiration to act to make the dreams of the Prophets and all of humanity a reality

✔️ The long-awaited sequel to the film series: "THE UNIVERSAL GRAIN | Love. The Angel in a Human | Film 2. Part 2"

✔️ People's impressions and insights about the film "THE UNIVERSAL GRAIN | Love. The Angel in a Human | Film 2. Part 2"

✔️ Human interaction in practice: how the actions of one person motivate the actions of another

The video with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov on ALLATRA TV "What the Prophets Dreamt of"

International online conference "The Creative Society. What the Prophets Dreamt of" 20.03.2021

Our e-mail: [email protected]

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