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Sergey Balalaev. Kailash and its connection with ancient pyramid complexes and megaliths


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Dec 5, 2020
At all times, scientists, researchers and climbers from all over the world have been attracted by the mysteriousness of the sacred mountain in Tibet - Kailash.

And today in the ALLATRA TV studio we are happy to welcome Sergey Balalaev, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, member of regular research expeditions in the Kailash region, author of the photo album “Call of Kailash”, co-author of the book “Tibet - Kailash. Mysticism and Reality ".

Mount Kailash has posed a large number of questions for humanity, and today, together with Sergey, we will answer some of them:

▫️ What unites all the pyramids of the world and Kailash;

▫️ Sacred geometry of the pyramids;

▫️ The significance of pyramids in times of global cataclysms;

▫️ How are all megalithic complexes connected?

Within the framework of the 5th conference of the International Research Project Kaleidoscope of Facts "Ancient Pyramids on Earth and Other Planets", the team of volunteers and scientists, studying the topic of Ancient Pyramids, conducts their own independent research, which everyone can join!

Pyramids of the world. What is their role in times of global cataclysms? The Kaleidoscope of Facts 5

What unites all the Pyramids of the World and Kailash?

Warning of Pyramids! Change of 12,000 Years Cycle. The Beginning of Disasters!
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#pyramids #Kailash #research


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