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Shadow Control. Visiting the Guys


Shadow Control
Shadow Control
Published:Jan 20, 2023
Capacity review or an extraordinary day in our life.
An Ordinary Day in Our Life special episode provoked numerous questions and comments regarding what was shown in the video. Therefore, a team of enthusiasts gathered in order to verify and test everything in person.

Lack of knowledge and stupidity give rise to many questions and empty scepsis. The guys experimentally tested all the available devices so that everyone who lacks knowledge or got confused in guesses would be able to assure themselves of the authenticity of what was shown in the video!

So, in this episode of Shadow Control you will see:
- Analysis of the telekinesis technique with a bottle
- Analysis of the distance punch technique
- The secret of soccer balls
- Is it easy to pull logs?
- What are the chains needed for?
- What grows in the garden

The one who has doubts can deny the obvious, but for a free person, it is enough to see a little in order to comprehend the greater!

📍 Attention! Since the Shadow Control project is aimed at studying magic, extrasensory perception, and otherworldly phenomena, and also remembering the unshakable law that everyone has the right to choose and can do whatever they want, comments on this project are disabled. We consider them unnecessary and often biased in relation to the project participants. It is impossible to study anything from the outside!

Dear friends, send your questions and proposals to the project email [email protected]

After all, only together we can stop the game of shadows in our lives!

"Shadow Control. An Ordinary Day in Our Life. Special episode":




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