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FEAR OF FALLING ILL. Game of Professionals. What is Consciousness? Live Broadcast


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Nov 22, 2020
For the first time, the international project "Game of Professionals. What is consciousness?" will be broadcast on AllatRa TV live.
Professionals in the field of psychology and psychiatry, as well as clinicians, deal with the issues of mental and physical health.

The topic of this broadcast is Fear of Falling Ill.

We will talk about:
What is the fear?
What is the value of attention?
Why are people afraid of falling ill?
What does this have to do with the fear of death?
How does fear manifest itself and how does it affect our body?
What to do in order to get rid of the fear of falling ill?

Examining real cases by project participants. Life experience and long-term medical practice create a unique format of communication, where the main goal is to find a way out of the situation.

Please join us, take an active part in the broadcast, and comment on what you see!

The Truth and Chaff video:


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