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GELIARS. WARRIORS OF LIGHT. Preview | Kaleidoscope of Facts 16


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Nov 3, 2021
On November 13, 2021, at 2 p.m. GMT, the international conference KALEIDOSCOPE OF FACTS "GELIARS. WARRIORS OF LIGHT" will take place.

In this research project, volunteers from around the world are exploring this topic together and seeking answers to the questions:
- Who are the Geliars? What is their purpose?
- Who do the Geliars serve? Their role in society and in every person's life.
- Road accidents, suicides, mass murders, terrorism, and other hidden problems of society. Who benefits from them? Why does it happen? Interviews with experts.
- The information ecosystem and mass media. Why are they provoking negativity in people?
- The Service. Types of Service. Who can become a Geliar? The time of global choice.
- Historical facts about the Geliars. Working signs and symbols. How are the signs of Shambhala different from the signs of destructive organizations?
- The absurdity of the consumer format of society and the mechanisms of society's functioning.
- The importance of uniting people on the threshold of global cataclysms.
- The role of each person in the times of CHOICE. Whom do you serve?

All episodes of the Kaleidoscope of Facts on ALLATRA TV

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