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🧭 Sergey Balalaev. Kailash and four sources of the great rivers of Asia


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Dec 26, 2020
Today the second live interview with Sergey Balalaev is taking place on ALLATRA TV. Mr. Balalaev is a member of regular research expeditions to the Kailash region, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, author of the photo album “Call of Kailash”, co-author of the book “Tibet - Kailash. Mysticism and Reality".

The Kailash region is one of the most mysterious places on our planet, where the sources of the four great and most important rivers of Asia originate from. With our guest, we will be discussing these rivers and their unique interconnection with Kailash.

Mr. Balalaev will also share information about the sacred geography of the region, the concept of Kailash Mandala, and why Tibet was closed to foreigners for hundreds of years.

The live broadcast is held within the framework of the International Research Project "Kaleidoscope of Facts".

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Join the live broadcast, friends! It will be interesting!

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#pyramids #Kailash #research #rivers #allatraunites


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