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Game of professionals. Information Technologies in a Creative Society


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Jan 16, 2020
About the event
On January 18th, 2020 on the platform of ALLATRA International Public Movement, an international online conference “Game of Professionals. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN A CREATIVE SOCIETY” will be held in Kyiv (Ukraine). The game starts at 15:00 Kyiv time (GMT +2).

The conference will address the following issues:
1. The role of information technologies in a society and how to use it for the benefit of people.
2. What is information and information field? How do they affect our lives?
3. What has to be done in order for a person and his happiness to come first in the world of information technology?
4. Interconnection of design and information technologies in a Creative society.
5. Applying Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in a Creative Society.

You can watch the live broadcast on

Mexico 07:00
São Paulo 10:00
New York 8:00
London 13:00
Berlin 14:00
Prague 14:00
Kyiv 15:00
Moscow 16:00
New Delhi 18:30
Bishkek 19:00
Beijing 21:00

We will discuss these topics based on the model of a creative society set forth on the last hundred pages of Anastasia Novykh book “AllatRa”.

Today, thanks to the development of technologies, for the first time we have a unique opportunity to change the vector of the civilization’s development from consumer to creative in a short time. Together, we can build a world in which everyone wants to live.
Email for suggestions, ideas and questions within the topic of Information Technologies: [email protected]

Official website of the “Society. The Last Chance” project:

Official site of the ALLATRA International Public Movement:


The "Game of Professionals" will be held on January 18th, 2020 in Kiev (Ukraine) | Start at 15:00 Kiev time (GMT + 2)


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