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The Absurdity of Climate Protocols. Vladimir Syvorotkin


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Feb 24, 2021
Climate protocols today call on countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But how adequate are they for the ongoing climate situation? Can they "save" humanity from a climate disaster? And what is the real cause of climate change on Earth?

We will discuss these burning issues live on ALLATRA TV with Vladimir Leonidovich Syvorotkin. Vladimir is a Doctor of Science in Geology and Mineralogy. He is a leading researcher of the Department of Petrology and Volcanology of the Geological Faculty of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

Nowadays, residents of all countries observe abnormal climatic phenomena: temperature records, excess or acute shortage of precipitation, etc. Based on many years of research, the scientist will explain how they are connected with the major geological process - degassing of its liquid core.

The broadcast will also reveal the mystery of the unexplained mass deaths of animals and birds around the world.

And most importantly, we will learn from Vladimir Leonidovich what is the way out for all of humanity in the face of global climate change on the planet.


Climate Change. The Beginning of a Big Disaster

Creative Society Unites Everyone

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#climatechange #birddeaths #ozonholes #KyotoProtocol #ParisAgreement


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