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Contact with aliens: myth or reality? Do alien races exist? Trailer. Kaleidoscope of Facts


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Sep 26, 2020
What do you know about the contact of earthlings with alien races?
Is paleocontact a myth or reality?

We continue to investigate hushed-up facts in the history of previous civilizations and ours!

International research project. Live broadcast on October 13, 2020.

-What is paleocontact?
-The Annunaki and the Apexians. Who are they and what role do they play in the history of our planet?
-Hidden historical facts. What happened 24,000 years ago?
-Is the Earth indeed the birthplace of the human race?
-What happened to Mars?
-Who gave the unique knowledge about the structure of the Universe to the African tribe of the Dogon?
-How will a comprehensive study of paleocontact help preserve our civilization?


- Evolutionary leap in development of science
- The exploration of other planets and galaxies by humankind.
- Сomprehensive development of civilization
- A life worthy of a Human Being.

All this is possible if.......


We invite experts and scientists from various fields of science, as well as researchers and bloggers for joint research. Anyone who is interested in this topic. Together we will be able to find answers to these and other questions!
It's time to bring the truth back to people!

October 13, 2020. Third International Online Conference PALEOCONTACT within the framework of the global unique project Kaleidoscope of Facts.

Initiated by participants of ALLATRA International Public Movement from the USA.

The unknown history of Atlantis: secrets and cause of destruction. Kaleidoscope of Facts. Episode 2

ANUNNAKI: is Nibiru their home planet? Who are the deities Enlil and Enki?


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