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AllatRa TV at Makar Sankranti celebration


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Feb 8, 2020
On January 19th, AllatRa TV reporters were invited to Sankranti's for a Makar Sankranti celebration.
Makara Sankranti, or Maghi, is a festival day in the Hindu calendar, dedicated to the deity Surya (the Sun). Maghe Sankranti holds historical and religious significance, as well as an eternal meaning. The Sun has always been associated with God, wisdom and pure love.
Since ancient times, people have understood that a human being can not find constant bliss through physical pleasure. He must find the source of bliss within himself. Sankranti encourages a person to this search, for one of the meanings of its name is a day that brings change! And each person decides for himself what kind of a new day he wants to see!

AllatRa TV reporters were happy to attend the event and spoke to many participants, conducting a survey on what kind of a society they would like to live in. Attendees gladly shared their opinions in a festive atmosphere.


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