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New style of ALLATRA TV website. Changes for the better | ALLATRA NEWS. LIVE #20


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Oct 9, 2020
Today ALLATRA NEWS presents a great event and important changes for the better: ALLATRA TV's website has updated its style!
The participants of a large and friendly international team of IT specialists and designers who will tell us and even show us how the site was created and what is qualitatively new in its services. The details of the development and design of the new style of the ALLATRA TV website from the very beginning!
Having united by the common goal of living happily, people create a real and confident step towards the long-awaited Creative Society. And this is the best choice for all humanity!

Creative Society with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

ALLATRA TV website

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