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Concert | Week of Solidarity 2022


AllatRa TV Danmark
AllatRa TV Danmark
Published:Mar 1, 2022
Participants of ALLATRA IPM from different countries of the world have prepared an online concert, where they will share their creativity, inspiring musical compositions, which are intended to awaken in a person all beautiful and the desire to know his deepest essence. Creative art is spreading throughout the world, and the sincere message is transmitted to others through music. Musicians, the members of ALLATRA IPM, shared their great beautiful feelings with the world in an online concert at Week of Solidarity2022.

💕 Week of Solidarity is an annual meeting of Allatra IPM participants , which has become a tradition, a joyful event that brings people together all over the planet and is a real celebration of unity and inspiration.
➡️ Videos with participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov. Playlist:

➡️ AllatRa Audiobook playlist:

➡️ Inspiring music of ALLATRA:

➡️ Official website of ALLATRA International Internet TV:

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#ALLATRA #SolidarityWeek #unity #music #reallove


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