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Our Job is to Create a Request | International Discussion

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Creative Society
Creative Society
Published:Jun 17, 2022
📢 You will love this future! The latest technology that can improve your life, equal opportunities for all, full satisfaction of basic needs, free education and medicine.

❓What does it take to make this future a reality? You won't believe it, but the only thing we need to do is to tell everyone about it and create a request from people themselves, because only by peaceful means can we change the format of society from the consumer-oriented to the creative one.

🌍 At today’s international discussion we will meet the people who took an active part in the preparation for the online forum "Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live," and find out how they see the Creative Society.

The guests of the broadcast are:
🔹 Dražen Kasalo — Worker, writer, lecturer, volunteer (Croatia)
🔹 Valeria Smian — Art manager, Volunteer of the CREATIVE SOCIETY project (Ukraine)

We’ll discuss the following topics:
🔎 Why do people shift responsibility to charities if they do not solve society's problems?
🔎 Technological benefits in the Creative Society
🔎 What perspectives inspire people around the world to actively participate in building the Creative Society?

🌍 Dear friends, please, share the link to the Forum on your social media accounts, with your friends and acquaintances. Let's make sure we have a future. Please, send your feedback on the Forum to:
[email protected]

➡️ International Online Forum "Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live" with 100 languages of interpreting:

➡️ YouTube broadcast of the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live" in English:

➡️ "Do You Know What Will Save Humanity? | International discussion":

➡️ "People Must Live! | International discussion":

➡️ Official website of the Creative Society International Project:
📩 E-mail: [email protected]

▶️ Twitter:
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#CreativeSociety #GlobalCrisis #WeWant2Live #WeArePeople


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