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In the Near Future, the Yellowstone Caldera Will Keep the Whole World in Fear


Creative Society
Creative Society
Published:Jan 2, 2023
Excerpt from the video "Hope and Reality", where Igor Mikhailovich Danilov answers the following questions:
🔻Why will the Yellowstone caldera cause serious concern among Americans, and not only them, in the coming years?
🔻How does it relate to the core of our planet and other climate disasters across the Earth?
🔻What is the correlation between earthquakes in the USA and China at the level of potential consequences for the ENTIRE planet?
🔻Will a planetary-scale disaster happen or not, and WHOM does it depend on?!

"Global Crisis. Our Survival Is in Unity | International Online Forum, November 12, 2022":

Watch other videos on the subject
"Climate Cerberus":

Interviews with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov about the Creative Society:

Official website of the Creative Society international project: where you can join the project if you are interested.

#yellowstone #caldera #climate


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