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The Power of Attention. Trailer | Kaleidoscope of Facts 25


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Jul 30, 2022
From time immemorial, we have been taught to develop the mind, intelligence, and memory. But so little is said about a person's inner potential and what each of us is capable of.

🔸 What power is hidden in a human?
🔸 Why is the information about its importance for everyone carefully hidden?
🔸 Why is everyone hunting for this energy?
🔸 Why is this power so valuable and where can we, as the whole of humanity, direct it?
🔸 What does the expression "where there is attention, there is power" mean?
🔸 What benefits can the unification of people's attention bring already now?

Answers will be voiced on August 13, 2022, in a new episode of the independent research project "The Power of Attention | Kaleidoscope of Facts 25", initiated by the participants of ALLATRA International Public Movement from Romania and Moldova.

✅ All episodes of Kaleidoscope of Facts Project:

✅ Video with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov, “The Most Valuable Currency in the Universe”:

✅ "Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live" | International Online Forum of May 7, 2022:

✅ Official website of ALLATRA TV - International Volunteer TV:
📩 [email protected]

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#ALLATRA #KaleidoscopeFacts #PowerofAttention #EnergyOfLife


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