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Mars — Earth. The Beginning


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Sep 26, 2020
Pyramids and a Sphinx on Mars! Why has the Red Planet attracted the attention of humanity for many centuries? The pyramidal structures of the Elysium Quadrangle and the Cydonia region. What was photographed by the Viking 1 probe on Mars in 1972? Why is the information about the extinct civilization on Mars kept silent? The discovery of the D&M Pyramid by Vincent DiPietro and Gregory Molenaar. Who built the complex called the City? Why do people find surprising geometric proportions in these structures?

What research has been conducted by a former consultant of Goddard Space Flight Center Richard Hoagland on a complex of artificial structures on Mars? The proportions of the golden ratio in the pyramids and structures of Martian Cydonia. Identical geometry of Earth's archeological monuments. What are the similarities between the pyramids on Mars and the ancient Teotihuacan in the Valley of Mexico?

The climate on Mars. What made a blooming Mars turn into a cold planet with an average temperature of minus 23 degrees Celsius and frozen water? What cataclysm has deprived Mars of its atmosphere?

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor Alexander PORTNOV about Mars: Great Glacier Period on Mars and the Earth 12 to 13 thousand years ago.
Why a multi-kilometer layer of permafrost is currently thawing on Mars like on Earth.

What do astronomers Victor Clube and Bill Napier say about this disaster in their scientific works? Why did catastrophic changes on Earth and Mars occur at the same time and have the same cause? The hypotheses of other scientists who studied Mars.

When and how did Mars die? Analysis by Geologist Professor Alexander Mikhailovich Portnov. What Graham Hancock writes in the book The Mars Mystery. Opinions of scientists from different fields.

Inversion of magnetic poles and weakening of a magnetic field as the cause of evaporation of the atmosphere on the Red Planet and the ceasing of biological life.

What do events on Mars teach us? What is the interrelation between the current climate changes on the planet Earth and the Red Planet? What can we do today to avoid the fate of Mars?

What can each person do on the threshold of growing cataclysms? What is the Creative Society, and how can we build it? The Creative Society as a way out of this situation.

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