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АllatRa. Anastasia Novykh. Audiobook. Pages 471-492


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Apr 27, 2022
This is a live encyclopedia of primordial spiritual Knowledge of the world, society, and human being. It does not just speak to everyone about the innermost. It answers the most secret, deeply personal, and disturbing questions that a person hides inside and does not reveal even to close friends. AllatRa book immerses one into a wonderful state of versatile knowledge of the Truth; it quenches the thirst for the search of the meaning of life from the eternal, vivifying Source. The book gives the main keys to the understanding of the processes of both visible and invisible worlds.

You can download “AllatRa” book for free​ at the website

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#AllatRa​ #Audiobook​ #Book


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