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How Ice Ages Relate to Solar Activity | Jake and Mary Riley


Creative Society
Creative Society
Published:Jun 23, 2022
Jake and Mary Riley, Founders of Grand Solar Minimum 101 project, gave their speech about REAL CAUSES of CLIMATE CHANGE

🆘 Governments of different countries indoctrinate us that we, people, are the cause of climate change and persecute those who tell the truth. If we want to have a future, we must wake people up, tell them on all platforms that human activities have little effect on the climate.

🔔 So say bloggers, Jake and Mary Riley, speakers of the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live," which took place on May 7, 2022, and highlighted the major problems of our society, as well as ways out of current circumstances.

❇ Jake and Mary studied the issue of climate change and came to the conclusion that the cause is the cyclicity of cosmic process and the change in solar activity, but it has nothing to do with anthropogenic factor, as we are told in the paid media.

🔥 Stop being silent and following the lead of those in power! We must open the way to the truth, meaning, spread the word about the forum around the world to unite sensible people and act right now, because the climate does not wait, it is taking human lives.

🌍 The international online forum "Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live" with language selection:

🌍 Broadcast on YouTube in English:

🌐 "We will not be silenced. There are many of us"

🌐 "Creative Society is a Сhance for Humanity to Survive" :

🌐 Official website of the international project "Creative Society":
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#CreativeSociety #GlobalCrisis #WeWant2Live #WeArePeople #GrandSolarMinimum #JakeMaryRiley


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