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Subpersonalities. Examples of manifestation | The Other World ONLINE


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Feb 22, 2022
Why do people suddenly start speaking in an ancient language? Why do people spontaneously demonstrate unusual abilities? And why are we touched by young children whose talents and behavior do not correspond to their age?

What do psychologists, psychiatrists and specialists think about this?

📌 Is it a gift or an obsession?
📌 Is it possible to cope with such conditions?
📌 Real stories of manifestations of subpersonalities

It does not matter what these manifestations are called, but it is important that they exist and their nature must be studied.
The Other World ONLINE project aims to establish and experimentally confirm a connection with those who have already died but continue to exist on a different energy level.
The operator establishes contact with the subpersonality using the PYRAMID device. It’s happening in a live broadcast.

The international research project ‘The Other World ONLINE’ is aimed at studying the invisible other world.

It is impossible to study anything while being outside! Let's study together!
We invite scientists to join our research!

If you have constructive suggestions and interesting ideas, please write to the project's email: [email protected]

To live or to exist – the choice is always yours!

Life is the main and only value, take good care of it!

The international research project ‘The Other World ONLINE’ at 19:00 GMT(+0) ON WEEKDAYS on ALLATRA TV channel

Start of the Project | The Other World ONLINE



International online conference “Life After Death. Fiction and Facts”

The official website of ALLATRA TV International Internet Television

#ALLATRA #TheOtherWorld #ShadowControl #Pyramid #Experiment #Research #LifeAfterDeath


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