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Why is the Gulf Stream Stopping? Climate Anomalies in the Bowels of Siberia?


Creative Society
Creative Society
Published:Apr 2, 2022
Why are all the talks about fighting climate lies? Where does the money allocated to climate change go? Will planting trees stop climate events that are coming? What awaits us this winter and in the near future?

The Gulf Stream is close to stopping for the first time in 1,600 years. What is the real cause? What do scientists say about that?

The West Siberian Plate is currently considered to be one of the most stable and safe places on the planet. Is this true? Is it worth building cities there to shelter from climatic anomalies? What is actually happening in the bowels of Siberia, and what does this process lead to?

What is the role of the ALLATRA Movement participants in the study of the true picture of the world? Why is the unique ancient knowledge being carefully hidden or destroyed by priests to this day? What valuable information is contained in ancient sources?

What will happen in the near future? What times are ahead of us?

Watch the full version of the video with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov “NOT FOR EVERYONE”, an excerpt from which is presented here in.

Not for Everyone:

Official website of the Creative Society International Project:
[email protected]

Video "Creative Society Unites Everyone":

International online conference "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone":



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