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This is our Chance to Change the World!

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Creative Society
Creative Society
Published:Mar 5, 2022
International discussions, which take place on the platform of the Creative Society project, give people from all corners of the world the opportunity to hear each other and unite to build a new format of society. The precedent for such broadcasts around the world was the international conference on December 4, 2021, "Global Crisis. Time for the Truth," which resonated with millions of people.

Today, on March 4, 2022, the speakers will be:
🔹 HRH. AMB. DR. Uba Iwunwa - Ambassador General of World Aid Organization for Human Rights Canada and the Secretary General of WAOHR in Nigeria (Nigeria/Canada)
🔹 Barry Nyuydze Berry - Vice President of SKILLMETOO ASSOCIATION, Community Manager Cameroon GLOBAL YOUTH CLIMATE ACTION FUND, External Relations Manager of Pop Cameroon, Student in the University of Dschang (Cameroon)

The following issues will be raised by the speakers:
❗ Garbage, recycling. Why are we polluting the planet?
❗ Refugees. Slavery. How can we change things?
❗ What can we do to create demand in society to raise the most pressing topics?
❗ How can the Creative Society and its 8 Fundamentals help us deal with all crises?

In the consumerist format of society, money and profit come first and human life has no value. This path of selfishness and inhumanity has brought us to the brink. Millions of people already realize that it is time to change the vector of development in order to survive. The entire population of the planet must be made aware of this!

🌍 📢 We invite everyone to participate in the International Forum “Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live”, which will take place on May 7, 2022. Learn more about the upcoming event:

➡️ “Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live” | Official trailer of the international forum:

➡️ International online conference “Global Crisis. Time for the Truth”, interpreted into 100 languages of the world:

➡️ YouTube broadcast of the online conference “Global Crisis. Time for the Truth” in English:

➡️ Official website of the Creative Society international project:
📩 E-mail: [email protected]

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#CreativeSociety #GlobalCrisis #Time4Truth


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