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A deadly tornado in Kentucky! December 2021. Climate collapse bursts in without warning


Creative Society
Creative Society
Published:Jan 20, 2022
There is no time!!!
And that's true. As of today, tens of thousands of people don't have that time. They have only seconds to save themselves and their families - the climate collapse bursts in without warning, hurricanes and earthquakes do not knock on the door, and floods and tornadoes do not announce their arrival. As a result, thousands of families are left alone with their grief: losing loved ones, relatives, homes, and all their possessions.
In this video an eyewitness from the U.S. shares details of the tornado that struck Bowling Green, Kentucky: fear, pain, destruction...

But... people radiate love: caring for each other, support, and mutual assistance. "They all ask: 'What can I do? How can I help? I think it's very important to come together. I don't care where you are from, what your differences are. We can overcome all of this together if we put at least one percent of our effort. We can join forces, as I said, and I think we can really win and save a lot of people if we just spread the information that we know." - says Charlsie.

Right now our planet is going through a challenging period of global climate change, which is caused by impacts from outer space.
Only together, all of humanity can survive the global battle with climate. We human beings have only one chance left: to unite on the basis of humanity and focus our attention on building the Creative Society.

The official website of the Creative Society Project:

"GLOBAL CRISIS. TIME FOR THE TRUTH" | International Online Conference | December 4, 2021

“GLOBAL CRISIS. THIS ALREADY AFFECTS EVERYONE" | International Online Conference | July 24, 2021

On May 7, 2022, the International Forum "Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live" will take place. Online broadcast on thousands of channels, with simultaneous interpreting into 100 languages.
Trailer of the International online Forum "Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live"

Email: [email protected]

#CreativeSociety #GlobalCrisis #Time4Truth #TornadoKY #kentuckystrong #kentuckytornado #tornado


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