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Studying the AllatRa Sign. Impact on Blood. Reverse Effect


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Aug 29, 2021
The remote impact on human blood has been experimentally acknowledged.

Participants of the project on studying the AllatRa sign conducted a reverse experiment in which they recorded the sign’s impact on a sample of human blood.

The experiment has shown that after the impact of the AllatRa sign (a white one against a black background and a black one against a white background) on a blood sample, changes occur in the sample. After the second blood sampling, it has been acknowledged that changes occur in the blood inside a person too. Thus a remote interaction between the blood in a person’s body and the blood sample taken for the experiment has been ascertained.

In order to exclude the electromagnetic interaction, we shielded the blood sample from the tested person in a device made by the Faraday cage principle. It has been ascertained that none of the four kinds of interactions known in physics can explain the results obtained during the experiment.

What is this interconnection? Owing to what does it exist? We would like to address these and other questions to scientists and suggest everyone to examine this phenomenon. Please, send your opinions to our project email address: [email protected]


#AllatRasign #experiments #quantumentanglement


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