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Internal Audit. What Does Our State Depend On?


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Dec 21, 2023
Is it possible to experience tranquility and peace at the moment of a real threat to life? This question arose due to the real experience of people who, while being surrounded by the sounds of gunfire and falling missiles during active hostilities in Ukraine, strangely enough experienced inner joy and tranquility. Yet, there are opposite observations of other people who experienced panic, hopelessness and complete despair, while being far away from the real danger. What do such seemingly paradoxical reactions and states depend on?

Igor Mikhailovich Danilov answers these questions in detail in this video excerpt, explaining how this is related to the real spiritual development and duality of a human. And also, why formal affiliation with any of the religions in no way helps people in such extreme situations. And what is the difference between a formal believer and a truly spiritual person who has a deep inner contact with God?

Watch the full version of the video "Who Are You?" with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov, a fragment of which is presented herein.

"Who Are You?":

Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

"Global Crisis. The Responsibility | International Online Forum, December 2, 2023":

"Global Crisis. We Are people. We Want to Live | International Online Forum, May 7, 2022":

"Global Crisis. Time for the Truth | International online conference, December 4, 2021":

Official website of ALLATRA TV International Volunteer Television:
[email protected]

Official website of the Creative Society international project:

#fear #personality #consciousness


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