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Why Tragedy in Lahaina Is Just the Beginning and Why Climate Crisis Will Get Worse


Creative Society
Creative Society
Published:Sep 20, 2023
🎙️ In this episode, Alexey Prudkov and Taliy Shkurupiy, hosts of the Episodikal podcast, expose the harsh truth of ignoring the root causes of climate change. The devastating effects of the climate crisis. Lahaina wildfires and the unusual hurricane Dora in Hawaii; Egon Cholakian’s urgent plea to the scientific community and world leaders. Selective blindness that allows this situation to worsen, and examine the environmental, social, and economic consequences that are often ignored.

🌐 How does tech affect your livelihood? How do debt and automation shape our society? And how can we create safety, prosperity, and freedom in these times? Hosts look at the potential of the Creative Society’s framework and how it can change our economy if we choose to support it.

They also examine the forces of nature that destroy lives and lands. And evaluate solutions, such as water extraction and microplastic cleanup.

Finally, hosts bring up the real pandemic of idiocracy that clouds people’s minds and stress the importance of verifying information. Join us in this insightful episode as we face these issues with knowledge, empathy, and action.

📢 Don't miss this empowering episode and share it with friends to ignite a ripple of change! Write your thoughts and questions in the comments below, and don't forget to subscribe to the Episodikal podcast on YouTube at and other platforms at

"Urgent Appeal to Biden, Xi Jinping and Putin by Egon Cholakian":

"Siberia: a Threat to Humanity | Egon Cholakian":

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