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La canzone "We are People" della Conferenza Internazionale "Società creativa.Insieme possiamo farlo"


AllatRa Italia
AllatRa Italia
Published:Dec 25, 2020
Società Creativa. Insieme possiamo farlo | Conferenza online internazionale

Il testo della canzone:
We are people
We are here to live
We are people
It is our time to be
We are opening new heights
We are people
We aspire towards rise

Creative Society
Is what all we want and need
It's an aim we all are heading at

Creative Society
Safety Stability
It's the world on our own we do create!

So Create Love and Share
Let's move ahead
Together yeah
Light always shines inside our hearts
We are here to live and to create

We are people
And in unity we sound
We are love
We share our love around
We live
And we want to feel the life
We sing
That for creation it is time!

Creative Society
The Choice of Humanity
Freedom of reaching the heights

Creative Society
Spirit and Unity
The world, we need so much!

So Create Love and Share
Let's move ahead
Together yeah
Light always shines inside our hearts
We are here to live and to create

Unisciti al progetto “Società Creativa”:

La canzone "We are People" è stata creata da volontari, membri del Movimento Internazionale Sociale "ALLATRA" .

Guarda anche i video su come possiamo costruire una Società Creativa già ora:


La Società Creativa unisce tutti (sub Ita)

Apocalisse Climatica: Illusione o realtà? (sub Ita)

Programmi con la partecipazione di Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

[email protected]

#ALLATRA #SocietàCreativa #società


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