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Is there any chance of implementing the Creative Society project?


Creative Society
Creative Society
Published:Jan 10, 2023
Today more and more people start thinking that the current consumerist format of society is leading us as humanity to a dead end and that it needs to be changed as soon as possible to a new, creative format. And in this context, so many people are interested in the Creative Society project.

On the other hand, seeing how quickly various adverse events unfold around the world, people are concerned whether this project is progressing too slowly and whether we will have time to build the Creative Society in the coming years.
Igor Mikhailovich Danilov gives a detailed answer to this question.

In the history of humankind, we have never found an international project or organization that in just two years of its existence has achieved such wide reach and spread (the project is being implemented in over 180 countries) without any external funding and media support, based solely on the initiative and actions of the volunteer participants.

- Who is asking such questions?
- What does the outcome of the Creative Society project depend on?
- Why is it so much easier for the project to develop in times of climate crisis in some respects?
- Why is the Creative Society project beneficial for everyone?

Watch the full version of the video with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov "Creative Society. Questions and Answers” an excerpt from which is shown in this video.

Video "Creative Society. Questions and Answers":

"Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live" | International Online Forum of May 7, 2022:

The official website of the International Creative Society Project: where you can join the project.

#CreativeSociety #climate #Time4Truth


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